Our new Terpene infused Cones but now with the added benefit of CBD & CBG!
We have developed a technique for infusing large quantities of CBD and CBG into our Terpene Infused Cones. This not only broadens and balances the spectrum of your chosen smoking blend it also has the benefit of considerably slowing-down and evening out the burn-rate.
We don't believe in adding a token amount of CBD to a product simply for the sake of adding hype and raising the prices, so when we came to release our new Broad Spectrum CBD cones we wanted to make sure they weren't a gimick.
After much experimentation we eventually developed a technique that allowed us to infuse more than 90mg of CBD and 10mg of CBG into each cone, 10x more than similarly priced cones currently on the market! (Strains included may vary, none of our products contain THC or CBN.)
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